Jacob Lake Inn Restaurant in Jacob Lake

Questions and answers

When does the restaurant open ?

It's open now

What's the going price per nite?

Go to the website. Changes seasonally and at peak periods

How is the food at the restaurant?

Cookies! Get some cookies!

Is Jacobs lake near the north rim?

Yes it's at the junction to the north rim. Be sure to get a cookie! Yum!

Who else found this place so breathtaking and historic?

I loved the history of this place. In the hotel lobby it explains some of the history.

Is the restaurant open on Sunday?

I believe so.

Do you sell beer to take out?

Dunno about the restaurant/inn but the gas station part prolly does.

What time does the restaurant close in the summer?

Don't quote me but I want say 6:30... I know it was earlier than I wanted... But I stayed at so many different places the week I was there at the GC it's hard to keep track of what details went with which location.

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